I did a search and did not find this.
I did find a great diary by Puddytat on how David Koch blocked this.
I apologize if this is a repeat - but need to post it in case it is not.
A must see for everyone
“Money is used to buy results – that is the problem.”
“America's became a place where money buys everything.”
The Alex Gibney Movie
Version One
104,000+ views as of tonight
59 minutes
Park Avenue: money, power and the American dream - Why Poverty?Version Two
They are almost identical in parts - I watched both - but there are major differences.
Here's the link to the 54 minute version. This is the one that would have broadcast on public television's "Independent Lens".
13,000+ views
Park Avenue - Money, Power & the American Dream [HD]
Wish there was a way that a bunch of us could watch it at the same time and liveblog our reactions.
Nothing below the squiggle.